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COLORSCAPES, 1994–2023


The “Colorscapes” are inspired by remarkable formations and archaic natural phenomena, like those which can be experienced in the Alps or on Iceland. A fierce storm, the coldness of a glacier or the red-hot ground of a volcanic fissure can provide the impulse for an artistic process.


A work might also begin with intuitively applied colors and structures that only coalesce into a motif during the course of the painting process.


Through the choice of color and the nearly complete renunciation of perspective, the picture becomes an expressive and two-dimensional “colorscape.” Painting and graphic elements complement one another. The preferred media are acrylic paints, ink and colored pencils.

Natural processes are also integrated: The freshly applied color is exposed to rain or snow — the paint freezes and displays new textures in the process of thawing. Natural materials like ash become a pigment in the Iceland series.


Instead of the representation of a real landscape, what emerges are spontaneous, intuitive and emotionally charged “colorscapes” on canvas, plywood panels or paper.



LJUBLJANA, 2018–2023

From 2018 to 2023, the majority of works have been created in the Slovenian capital of Ljubljana. The world of the Karavankas and the Julian Alps, with their rugged and splintered rock formations, and the bizarre forms that appear in the Slovenian karst — with the fractured structures of its stone, eroded and filled with holes — inspire non-objective compositions.


„Vizija - Katedrala Svobode", one of the figurative works, is dedicated to the iconic Slovenian architect Jože Plečnik.

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